Advent of Code 2024, Day 4
(updated )
Update See Appendix B below for a commentary.
Part One
This puzzle is a word search. You are asked how many times does the word “XMAS” appear.
The first 10 lines and 50 columns of my puzzle input are the following. The total input is 140 × 140.
Reading all the lines into a matrix (list of lists) of characters is a one-liner.
wordSearch = Characters /@ Import["input.txt", "Lines"]
In order to count occurrences of “XMAS”, I coded a standard word search algorithm. At a given position i, j
(row, column), I look for the word “XMAS” in all 8 directions: left to right (east), bottom left to top right (north-east), bottom to top (north), etc. While iterating over i
and j
, when I find an “X” at the current position, I look for the remaining “MAS” in a given direction using the masDirQ
function. Function masDirQ
first checks if “XMAS” fits in the that direction.
directions = {{0, 1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, 0}, {-1, -1}, {0, -1}, {1, -1},
{1, 0}, {1, 1}}
masChars = {"M", "A", "S"}
masDirQ[grid_, m_, n_, i_, j_, {di_, dj_}] :=
1 ≤ i + 3 di ≤ m && 1 ≤ j + 3 dj ≤ n && AllTrue[Range[3],
(grid[[i + # di, j + # dj]] == masChars[[#]])&]
Pair di, dj
in each call to masDirQ
comes from the pairs in directions
as seen in the following code.
I tried to implement the iterative search in functional style (e.g., no state, no loops). In that sense, I coded the iteration logic in a helper function called countXmasIter
. I think I read about this in the Lisp edition of SCIP.
Note that Boole
converts a boolean to integer, and Total
accounts for several matches (in different directions) at a same position i, j
. Function countXmasIter
was designed to work with higher-order function NestWhile[f, expr, test]
that evaluates f[f[…f[expr]…]]
until test yields False.
countXmasIter[{grid_, m_, n_, i_, j_, num_}] :=
grid, m, n,
If[j < n, i, i + 1],
If[j < n, j + 1, 1],
num +
If[grid[[i, j]] == "X",
directions //
Map[masDirQ[grid, m, n, i, j, #]&] //
Map[Boole] //
countXmas[wordSearch_] :=
With[{n = Length[wordSearch], m = Length[First[wordSearch]]},
Last[NestWhile[countXmasIter, {wordSearch, n, m, 1, 1, 0},
(#[[4]] ≤ n)&]]
numXmas = countXmas[wordSearch]
The number of times that “XMAS” appear is 2575.
Part Two
It is revealed that the puzzle is not about finding the word “XMAS” but finding two instances of “MAS” in the shape of an “X”, i.e., an “X-MAS”.
Here we don’t need directions, just checking if each diagonal contains “M” and “S”. I wrote the helper function countXmasIter2
to iterate from row 2
to row n - 1
(likewise for columns) because an “X-MAS” is always 3 × 3.
xmasQ[diag1_, diag2_] :=
Count[diag1, "M"] == 1 && Count[diag1, "S"] == 1 && Count[diag2,
"M"] == 1 && Count[diag2, "S"] == 1
countXmasIter2[{grid_, m_, n_, i_, j_, num_}] :=
grid, m, n,
If[j < n - 1, i, i + 1],
If[j < n - 1, j + 1, 2],
num +
If[grid[[i, j]] == "A",
xmasQ[grid[[i - #, j + #]]& /@ {-1, 1},
grid[[i - #, j - #]]& /@ {-1, 1}] // Boole
countXmas2[wordSearch_] :=
With[{n = Length[wordSearch], m = Length[First[wordSearch]]},
Last[NestWhile[countXmasIter2, {wordSearch, n, m, 2, 2, 0},
(#[[4]] ≤ n - 1)&]]
numXmas2 = countXmas2[wordSearch]
There was a total of 2041 “X-MAS”.
Appendix A – Using recursion
I tried using recursion (when a function calls itself) for the iterative process since it is the most natural way to implement it in functional programming (NestWhile
is new to me).
My recursive solution for the first part was the following:
countXmasIterRec[grid_, m_, n_, i_, j_, num_, niter_] :=
If[i ≤ 140,
grid, m, n,
If[j < n, i, i + 1],
If[j < n, j + 1, 1],
num +
If[grid[[i, j]] == "X",
directions //
Map[masDirQ[grid, m, n, i, j, #]&] //
niter + 1
{num, niter}
countXmasRec[wordSearch_] :=
countXmasIterRec[wordSearch, Length[wordSearch],
Length[First[wordSearch]], 1, 1, 0, 0]
numXmasRec = countXmasRec[wordSearch]
I was sure that my recursive function was correct; however, I got the following error in Wolfram Language:
$IterationLimit::itlim: Iteration limit of 4096 exceeded.
My first attempt to solve the issue was to increase the iteration limit. Since the word search grid is 140 × 140 = 19600, I tried with $IterationLimit = 20000
. This wasn’t enough, so I tried with 40000 and got the correct result. Then I changed $IterationLimit
until I found the exact value of 39205 iterations.
In order to check my code, I added the niter
variable to count the recursive function calls and the result was 19600!
Interestingly, (140 × 140) × 2 + 5 = 39205
, so I don’t know what is considered an iteration in Wolfram Language. If I find out, I will update the post.
Appendix B – The root of all evil
In Day 5 I acknowledged that Day 4 solutions were inelegant because they sacrifice readability in favor of machine efficiency. I should have used a better approach: using the Table
function to count/find XMAS
for each cell and find the total with the (surprise!) Total
function. I won’t update these solutions as a reminder of my foolishness. Still, I learned a lot while coding the recursive solutions.
I finish with the following quote from Donald Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming:
The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.